A bit about me...
I am a dynamic Licensed Psychotherapist/Psychoanalyst and Certified Professional Coach based in the heart of New York City with a down to earth, approachable style of practice. Having worked in various capacities in the mental health and behavioral health world for over twenty years, I’ve witnessed the powerful impact of connectedness. This has been evident in my work as an individual and group therapist for those struggling with emotional issues, a crisis or addiction; as a trainer coaching professionals in becoming better versions of themselves; as a recruiter, matching people to opportunities; and as a manager, supporting a team in effectively working together. In all of these contexts, the dynamics of the relationship made all the difference, allowing for development and success to be realized. I apply this philosophy (and my healthy sense of humor) in all that I do.
Psychotherapist, Coach, Speaker, & Educator
I’m currently a Student Advisor and Motivational Interviewing Instructor at Columbia University School of Social Work. As an Adjunct Professor I teach Suicide Assessment and Treatment at Fordham Graduate School of Social Services. In addition to a BA in Human Resources and an MSW from New York University’s School of Social Work, I possess certificates in Training and Organizational Development and Adult Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy.
I’m happy to serve on the Advisory Board for Aircraft Casualty Emotional Support Services (ACCESS) and Women Helping to Education and Enhance Life (WHEEL). I have also been an adjunct instructor of Short-Term Therapies and Crisis Intervention at NYU’s Silver School of Social Work and have served as a subject matter consultant for mental health and suicide prevention training content.
My Story
What I bring to my work goes beyond professional training and work experience. Personal life experience has a large impact on how I approach what I do and understand the sensitive issues presented. When it comes to encountering the unexpected and having to recalibrate in order to move forward, I’ve had my share.
The most life-changing experience for me was losing my fiancé on September 11th. We were living together two miles north of the World Trade Center and set to be married in October 2001, but he never made it home that day. This very public shared traumatic event and sudden loss left me stunned and immobilized. It was the first time as an adult that I had no choice but to rely on others – friends, family, strangers and professionals - for support.
It was a major set back for me both personally and professionally. But little by little I exercised my resiliency muscle and found my way to a healthy and satisfying life. Even our worst challenges can be reborn into opportunities and unwanted change can lead to positive growth. It may be hard and even seem impossible when faced with the unimaginable, but it can be done.
Self-Pay/Fee for Service
New York State License # 071698
New Jersey State License # 44SC05982500
Media Mentions
The Coaching Corner - Prioritizing Me - BONDS Magazine - April 2021
Social Work, Therapy and Coaching - The Coach’s Circle Podcast - September 2020
Life in Lockdown is Testing Parents’ Bandwidth - Washington Post - April 2020
How to Protect Your Mental Health While Working From Home - Skillcrush - April 2020
The Art of Adaptability - The Social Worker’s Superpower - The New Social Worker - January 2020
Self-Care Defined by 9 Mental Health and Personal Development Bloggers - September 2019
Discovering Your Own Superhero - Be Awesome Podcast - August 2019
Business Talk Radio - July 2019
In Her Words: Thriving in the Employment Gap - The Female Quotient - July 2019
How to Manage Overwhelm in Your Business - Book Your Dream Clients Podcast - April 2019
4 Tips to Help you Find Meaning at Work - Talkspace - September 2018
Understanding And Overcoming Emotional Trauma – HealthyWay – July 2018
Here’s Why Mental Health at Work is Everyone’s Business – Convene – June 2018
7 Brilliant Life Hacks You Can Only Learn In Therapy – Bustle – June 2018
7 Weekend Activities That Prevent You From Relaxing – Bustle – May 2018
6 Strategies to Let Go of a Grudge and Live a Happier Life – Goalcast – May 2018